Me time or We time blog- Little Big World

WE time or ME time? Finding the perfect balanceโ€ฆ

In this whirlwind of modern motherhood, mums wear many hats – nurturer, provider, counselor, chefโ€ฆ.the list goes on! Amidst this beautiful chaos, it’s easy to forget oneself. That’s right moms, prioritizing some โ€˜me timeโ€™ isn’t selfish, it’s sanity-saving. In this blog, we try to understand how to balance life, motherhood, and a little ‘me-time’ magic.

The Modern Mum Juggle

In the grand scheme of time, the role of mothers has undergone a remarkable evolution as the dynamics of our society have continued to change. The mumโ€™s of today have emerged as the architects of a new narrative. One that balances their career aspirations and the mighty role of being a mother! The empowering shift from โ€˜just homemakers/housewivesโ€™ to equal partners in a marriage and contributors to the household income is what motherhood in the 21st century looks like!

An essential catalyst behind this change lies in the economic landscape, where the rising cost of raising a child has rendered the concept of dual incomes not just an option but a necessity.

For many mums out there, career aspirations and motherhood are a harmonious duo. The Pew Research Center reports that about 71% of mothers with children under the age of 18 are part of the workforce. Balancing deadlines, board meetings, diaper changes and meal prep can be a chaotic dance, but it’s a dance the mothers of today are absolutely owning!

Why ‘Me-Time’ Mattersโ€ฆ

Taking a moment for yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. The benefits of ‘me-time’ are backed by science too. Studies show that carving out time for self-care reduces stress, boosts mental health, and improves overall well-being. By recharging our own batteries and taking out time for ourselves, we become better equipped to care for our little ones and take on life!

Dispelling the Guilt

One of the greatest hurdles in embracing ‘me-time’ is the infamous โ€˜mum guiltโ€™. A study done by the University of Michigan suggests that 60% of working mothers feel guilty about the time they spend away from their children. But here’s the truth: a well-nurtured mother is a powerful force for her family.

Finding your oasis of ‘Me-Time’ need not be an extravagant affair. It can be as simple as a morning yoga session, losing yourself in a good book, savoring a cup of tea in peaceful solitude or indulging in a hobby. It’s about finding what fills your cup, so you can continue pouring into others!
If youโ€™re a mother who is struggling to prioritize yourself, hereโ€™s a few tips that might help you ease into the process:

1. Actively scheduling in โ€˜down-timeโ€™ :

Treat ‘me-time’ like any other important appointment or task on your to-do list. Block out time for yourself on your calendar and don’t feel guilty about enjoying it!

2. Delegating and sharing responsibilities:

A healthy part of being a parent is recognizing and acknowledging the fact that you can’t do it all. And you shouldn’t have to either! Donโ€™t be afraid to ask for support from your partner, family, or trusted caregivers.

3. Setting boundaries:

Communicate your needs clearly. Let those around you know when you need a moment to recharge, reset and unwind. Taking a break can do wonders for your well-being and headspace!

4. Choosing quality over quantity:

It’s not about how much time you have, but how you use it. Make every ‘me-moment’ count!

5. Letting go of perfectionism:

Always remember: You’re doing an amazing job. It’s okay if things aren’t always picture-perfect. Show up each day and do your best.

As you navigate this messy yet beautiful journey of motherhood, let’s not forget the incredible force you are. By embracing ‘me-time,’ you aren’t just nurturing yourself; you’re setting an example of self-love and self-care for your children. In the end, a happy mother raises happy children.

Happy parenting!