It's Mine! - Little Big World

It’s MINE!

Remember that one coveted toy from your childhood, the one you never wanted to share? 

Sharing can be a tricky concept for little ones, but it’s a crucial skill that lays the groundwork for successful social interactions throughout the lives of our little learners. At Little Big World, we understand that fostering cooperation and turn-taking is essential for our children’s development. In this blog, we’ll understand how to navigate this exciting yet challenging stage together!

Preschool and early developmental years are marked by ‘parallel play’, where children play alongside each other and learn to interact with the world around them in new ways. As they grasp these ropes of social interaction, sharing becomes a key component of healthy social development.

Why does sharing matter?

  1. It helps in building relationships- Sharing inculcates a sense of fairness, encouraging children to consider others’ needs and wants. This builds empathy, strengthens friendship and social bonds, and a child’s sense of sensitivity to the world around them.
  2. It teaches cooperation & communication-
    Taking turns teaches children patience and the importance of negotiation. They eventually learn to communicate effectively and express their desires in healthy ways.
  3. It aids with emotional regulation-
    Sharing can lead to frustration initially as children are unable to understand why separating them from their favourite toy or game is beneficial to them. By guiding them through these moments, we help them develop emotional control and healthy coping mechanisms.
  4. It’s a Lifelong Skill!
    Sharing forms a strong foundation for collaboration and teamwork skills. These are essential for success in school and future years in academics.

Now that we’ve established the importance of sharing, let us dive into how we can encourage our young ones to inculcate this skill into their routine and strengthen it over time…

For those wondering- ‘‘How can I, as a parent, become a more active part of my little one’s preschool experience?’’, here are a few ways to get started!

  • Set Clear Expectations: Use visual aids like timers to help children understand the concept of taking turns
  • Model Sharing Behavior: Demonstrate the joy of sharing, like offering a snack or helping a friend do a puzzle, build a block tower etc.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise children who share, highlighting their kindness and cooperation and acknowledge their effort
  • Open Communication: Talk about sharing before playdates, explain the concept, and cheer them on as they navigate this journey
  • Respect Boundaries: Understanding boundaries when it comes to sharing can be challenging for young children. But learning to be honest, and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are simple ways to start.

Sharing is a journey!

It’s helpful to remember as parents and educators that sharing is a gradual process and takes time to get used to. There will be bumps along the road, but with patience, proper guidance, and positive reinforcement, our little learners will blossom into cooperative and compassionate individuals, ready to embrace the world with open hearts and minds!