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How to determine your child’s learning style

Children receive and process information – that is, learn – in different ways based partly on their environment but mostly on their genetic profiles.

Experts have identified three primary learning styles into which most children fall: Visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Even from a very early age, the child’s learning style can be determined simply by observing them carefully. Once you identify whether your child learns primarily by looking, listening, or doing, you can help shape their educational experience so that it prioritizes this primary learning style, while also understanding the benefits that come with well-rounded learning.

1. Watch your child express themselves

when a child is more comfortable learning in a certain style, they will also be more expressive through that same style. For example, auditory learners are able to express themselves most effectively through words. Sometimes, it may also appear that they aren’t paying attention because they may often try to talk over you, or whilst you are speaking. Children who are auditory learners also tend to read out loud instead of quietly to themselves.

2. Consider your child’s interests

A child’s primary learning style is also normally reflected in their interests. For instance – visual learners often have interests both in reading and watching TV, due to the common thread of visual stimulation. They may also enjoy observing images, photographs, colourful objects, moving toys and such that grab their attention. Visual learners often have extensive vocabularies and may have imaginations that are equally large.

See how your child solves problems

we all draw from our strengths when attempting to solve problems, so children tend to utilise the attributes that correlate to their learning styles. For instance – Kinaesthetic learners will usually try to solve problems with their hands. For example they may count with their fingers while trying to solve math problems. For such children, you may want to use flash cards to help them use touch, feel, interact way of learning.

-Nikita, Centre Head of Balewadi, Pune